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No matter your industry, Music, Beauty, Fashion or Film, ArtWorksNetwork will help you to Live your Calling and Build your company or Brand, Influence Culture with your Creativity, and Grow your income and be an Industry Leader
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Lacusa semper dolors sagitt proina intege portti venena minim ipsume tempor lectus laoret vertis.
Laoret intege vertis portti dolors lectus ipsume evenie minim semper sagitt lacusa tempor venena.
Minim venena laoret semper proina tempor platea sagitt lectus vertis intege ipsume lacusa portti.
Semper venena tempor platea minim lectus vulput proina portti evenie laoret lacusa sagitt dolors ipsume.
Portti sagitt semper dolors lectus proina vulput vertis evenie laoret minim lacusa tempor ipsume platea intege
A porttitor vivamus, dolor eros torquent tortor a blandit rutrum senectus aenean. Morbi vivamus fusce posuere himenaeos. Id lacus donec nostra morbi, laoreet primis.
Bi-weekly/monthly newsletter
Access to Bi-Weekly Live business Insider Sessions
Product, Service or Merch show cased for a fee
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The professional package has really helped me to grow my business and improve my results.
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Karen JohnsonHome Entreprenuer |
Bi-weekly/monthly newsletter
Access and ability to submit questions to the host of our Bi-Weekly Live business Insider Sessions (Question type: Legal questions, Entity formation, Trademark, Copyright, Funding, Business Plan and more)
One use single 10min. business/legal consultation each month
Promo codes for discounts on events
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The professional package has really helped me to grow my business and improve my results.
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Karen JohnsonHome Entreprenuer |
Bi-weekly/monthly newsletter
Access and ability to Ask your business questions live to the host of our Bi-Weekly Live business Insider Sessions (Question type: Legal questions, Entity formation, Trademark, Copyright, Funding, Business Plan and more)
One 20min. business/legal consultation each month Actual Value: Full Rate $450 per hour
Access to join live to our Whats News In IP Events and submit questions
Opportunity to have your product or service featured on Artworksnetwork.com once 10-days NO CHARGE
Included in raffles for reduced fees on legal, trademark, copyright, contract review services each month
15% off all legal consultations
15% off Trademark Filing
15% of Copyright Filing
I bought the ultimate package and I can certainly say it has been worth every penny - amazing!
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Kimberly KingWeb Designer |
Bi-weekly/monthly newsletter
Access and ability to Ask your business questions live to the host of our Bi-Weekly Live business Insider Sessions (Question type: Legal questions, Entity formation, Trademark, Copyright, Funding, Business Plan and more)
Two 30min. business/legal consultation each month Actual Value: Full Rate $450 per hour
Access to join live to our Whats News In IP Events and Ask questions Live
Opportunity to have your product or service featured on Artworksnetwork.com One Month No Charge (can break it up into 2-weeks for 2 months)
The professional package has really helped me to grow my business and improve my results.
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Karen JohnsonHome Entreprenuer |
Bi-weekly/monthly newsletter
Access to Bi-Weekly Live business Insider Sessions
Product, Service or Merch show cased for a fee
Promo codes for discounts on events
Buy into raffles for reduced fees on legal, trademark, copyright, contract review services
The professional package has really helped me to grow my business and improve my results.
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Karen JohnsonHome Entreprenuer |
Bi-weekly/monthly newsletter
Access and ability to submit questions to the host of our Bi-Weekly Live business Insider Sessions (Question type: Legal questions, Entity formation, Trademark, Copyright, Funding, Business Plan and more)
One use single 10min. business/legal consultation each month
Promo codes for discounts on events
Pay to have merch showcased
Buy into raffles for reduced fees on legal, trademark, copyright, contract review services
The professional package has really helped me to grow my business and improve my results.
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Karen JohnsonHome Entreprenuer |
Bi-weekly/monthly newsletter
Access and ability to Ask your business questions live to the host of our Bi-Weekly Live business Insider Sessions (Question type: Legal questions, Entity formation, Trademark, Copyright, Funding, Business Plan and more)
One 20min. business/legal consultation each month Actual Value: Full Rate $450 per hour
Access to join live to our Whats News In IP Events and submit questions
Opportunity to have your product or service featured on Artworksnetwork.com once 10-days NO CHARGE
Included in raffles for reduced fees on legal, trademark, copyright, contract review services each month
15% off all legal consultations
15% off Trademark Filing
15% of Copyright Filing
I bought the ultimate package and I can certainly say it has been worth every penny - amazing!
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Kimberly KingWeb Designer |
Bi-weekly/monthly newsletter
Access and ability to Ask your business questions live to the host of our Bi-Weekly Live business Insider Sessions (Question type: Legal questions, Entity formation, Trademark, Copyright, Funding, Business Plan and more)
Two 30min. business/legal consultation each month Actual Value: Full Rate $450 per hour
Access to join live to our Whats News In IP Events and Ask questions Live
Opportunity to have your product or service featured on Artworksnetwork.com One Month No Charge (can break it up into 2-weeks for 2 months)
The professional package has really helped me to grow my business and improve my results.
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Karen JohnsonHome Entreprenuer |
Bi-weekly/monthly newsletter
1 hour business consultation each month
Access to exclusive member only events
Discounts on premium events + Services
Merchandise/Music showcased on our website, facebook and event
Opportunity to win raffled legal + Business Services each month = $250-$1000 Value
Ac cursus fusce volutpat pharetra
The professional package has really helped me to grow my business and improve my results.
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Karen JohnsonHome Entreprenuer |
Bi-weekly/monthly newsletter
1 hour business consultation each month
Access to exclusive member only events
Discounts on premium events + Services
Merchandise/Music showcased on our website, facebook and event
Opportunity to win raffled legal + Business Services each month = $250-$1000 Value
Ac cursus fusce volutpat pharetra
The professional package has really helped me to grow my business and improve my results.
![]() |
Karen JohnsonHome Entreprenuer |
Sagittis molestie nunc
Semper tempor egestas lobortis
Elementum nullam nostra
Curabitur phasellus suspendisse platea
Lorem aenean bibendum amet
Nulla quam ullamcorper vitae
Ac cursus fusce volutpat pharetra
I bought the ultimate package and I can certainly say it has been worth every penny - amazing!
![]() |
Kimberly KingWeb Designer |
Bi-weekly/monthly newsletter
1 hour business consultation each month
Access to exclusive member only events
Discounts on premium events + Services
Merchandise/Music showcased on our website, facebook and event
Opportunity to win raffled legal + Business Services each month = $250-$1000 Value
Ac cursus fusce volutpat pharetra
The professional package has really helped me to grow my business and improve my results.
![]() |
Karen JohnsonHome Entreprenuer |
Tempor venena vertis ipsume minim portti evenie lectus platea dolors sagitt vulput intege laoret proina semper lacusa. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros.
Dolors platea venena evenie vulput semper lacusa vertis tempor portti minim sagitt ipsume intege proina lectus laoret.
Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et.
Sagitt platea intege portti ipsume lacusa vulput proina evenie vertis lectus semper tempor minim dolors venena laoret. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh.
Vertis tempor lacusa vulput proina ipsume laoret lectus intege portti minim semper platea dolors venena sagitt evenie. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.
Tempor venena vertis ipsume minim portti evenie lectus platea dolors sagitt vulput intege laoret proina semper lacusa. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros.
Tempor venena vertis ipsume minim portti evenie lectus platea dolors sagitt vulput intege laoret proina semper lacusa. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros.
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